Bash Next Steps


Bash Shell

You must be using a bash shell.

Follow this to find out what shell you are in:

what shell am I using?

Bash Shell Version

To accurately follow the course, you will need Bash version 4+. If you have a lower version, then not everything will work as expected, but you can still follow the course.

You can find out your version by typing: echo $BASH_VERSION in your terminal.

If you get no output, you may not be in bash at all (see above).

If you are using a Mac, then by default you will have version 3.x. See here for advice on upgrading.

Introduction to Bash

This course builds on the introduction to bash course. Ensure you are familiar with all concepts in that course before continuing.

Layout of this repository

exercises - course exercises

code - the example code in scripts

slides - course slides


Some useful links that may be mentioned in the course:

Which bash shell version am I using?

Bash version update guidance

CheapCI - a complete and useful program in bash

ShellCheck - get advice on your bash code

Differences between zsh and bash


(For author only: See lbthw/oreilly_course_bash_next_steps/*)