
Open repository for Flow components

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Total.js Flow Components

This repository contains all Total.js Flow components.


  • install Node.js platform +v6
  • install Total.js framework $ npm install total.js
  • important Flow 4.0

Creating own components

  • clone an existing component
  • keep unique identificators
  • each component has to contain a test file YOURCOMPONENTNAME-run.js
  • keep readme 1:1 with readme in the component declaration

How to install a component to my Total.js Flow?

  • choose your component from this repository
  • upload componentname.js (via database icon in designer)
  • don't upload readme.md and componentname-run.js

Component API

  • IMPORTANT: exports.id can contain a-z 0-9 chars only.
// {String}, IMPORTANT (lower case without diacritics)
exports.id = 'component';

// {String}, optional (default: "component name")
exports.title = 'A component name (for human)';

// {String}, optional (default: "#656D78")
exports.color = '#656D78'; // use darker colors because the font color is "white"

// {Boolean}, optional (default: false)
exports.click = true;

// {Number}, optional (default: 0)
// +v3.0.0
exports.input = 0;

// or {Array of Colors}, input will have 2 inputs (red and blue)
// +v3.0.0
exports.input = ['red', 'blue'];

// {Number}, optional (default: 0)
exports.output = 1;

// or {Array of Colors}, output will have 2 outputs (red and blue)
exports.output = ['red', 'blue'];

// {String}, optional (default: "Common")
exports.group = 'Common';

// {String}, optional (default: "Unknown")
exports.author = 'Peter Širka';

// {String}, optional (default: "")
// Font-Awesome icon without "fa-"
exports.icon = 'home';

// {String or Object}, optional (default: undefined)
exports.status = 'DEFAULT STATUS TEXT';
// or
exports.status = { text: 'DEFAULT STATUS TEXT', color: 'red' };

// {String Array}
// optional (default: undefined), NPM dependencies
exports.npm = ['sqlagent', 'mqtt'];

// {Object}, optional (default "undefined")
// Default options for new and existing instances
exports.options = { enabled: true };

// Disables data cloning
exports.cloning = false;

// {Boolean}, optional (default: true)
// +v4.0.0
// hides stats under component box in designer UI
exports.traffic = false;

// {String}, optional (format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')
// +v4.0.0
// Updated date
exports.dateupdated = '2017-17-10';

exports.install = function(component) {

    // =====================
    // =====================

    // A close delegate (optional)
    // - "callback" argument must be executed!
    component.close = function(callback) {
        // This instance will be killed.
        // use this if some asyncronous work needs to be done
        // alternatively use component.on('close',...

    // =====================
    // EVENTS
    // =====================

    component.on('click', function() {
        // optional
        // the component was clicked on in the designer
        // usefull for enabling/disabling some behavior or triggering some actions

    component.on('data', function(message) {

        // RAW DATA
        // returns {Object}

        // Write value to data repository
        // returns {Message}
        message.set('key', 'value');

        // Read value from data repository
        // returns {Object}

        // Remove value from data repository
        // returns {Message}

        // {Object Array} Array of all components the message has passed through (previous components)

        // {Object} Parent component (first component which started the flow)

        // {Boolean} Is completed?

        // {DateTime}

        // How can I modify data?
        message.data = { newdata: true };

        // send this message :-)

    component.on('<input-number>', function(message) {
        // message as specified above in 'data' event
        // input 0 to event '0' and so on

    component.on('options', function(new_options, old_options) {
        // optional
        // options have changed in the designer
        // instance.options holds the new_options already

    component.on('variables', function(variables) {
        // +v3.0.0
        // optional
        // global variables have been changed
        // instance.variable(key)

    component.on('close', function() {
        // optional
        // This instance will be killed

    component.on('reinit', function() {
        // optional
        // Designer has been updated, but this instance still persists
        // This instance can have new connections.

    component.on('signal', function(data, parent) {
        // optional
        // Captured signal
        // @data {Object} - optional, can be "null", or "undefined"
        // @parent {Component} - a component which created this signal

    component.on('service', function(counter) {
        // optional
        // Service called each 1 minute

    // =====================
    // METHODS
    // =====================

    component.status(message, [color]);
    // Sends a status to designer
    // @message: {String/Object} - string will be formatted as markdown and object as JSON
    // color: {String} - "black" (default: "gray")

    component.debug(message, [style]);
    // Sends a debug message
    // @message: {String/Object} - string will be formatted as markdown and object as JSON
    // style: {String} - "info", "warning", "error" (default: "info")

    // Calculates connections
    // @index: {Number}
    // returns {Number}

    var message = component.send([index], data);
    message.set('repositorykey', 'value');
    // Sends data
    // @index: {Number} - optional, the output index (otherwise all outputs)
    // @data: {String/Object}
    // returns Message;

    var message = component.send2([index], data);
    if (message) {
        // message will be sent
    } else {
        // no connections
    // +v3.0.0
    // Alias for component.send() but with a check of connections

    component.set(key, value);
    // Writes a value to a private key-value store (data are stored on HDD)
    // @key {String}
    // @value {Object}
    // returns {Component}

    // Reads a value from a private key-value store (data are stored on HDD)
    // @key {String}
    // returns {Object}

    // Creates a new FlowData/Message instance.
    // @data {Object}
    // returns {Message}

    // Removes a value from a private key-value store (data are stored on HDD)
    // @key {String}
    // returns {Component}

    // +v3.0.0
    // Reads a value from global variables
    // @key {String}
    // returns {Object}

    component.signal([index], [data]);
    // Sends a signal to first connection (it emits "signal" event in target connection)
    // @index {Number} - optional, an output index (default: "undefined" --> all connections)
    // @data {Object} - optional, an additional data
    // returns {Component}

    // Performs click event.
    // returns {Component}

    component.log([a], [b], [c], [d]);
    // Writes some info into the log file
    // returns {Component}

    component.error(err, [parent|response|component]);
    // Creates error
    // returns {Component}

    // Saves current options, useful when options are changed internally. Options from settings form are saved automatically
    // returns {Component}

    // If the component options changes on the server (not by recieving new options from designer) then use this to update options in designer

    // =====================
    // =====================

    // {Object} - empty object for custom variables and methods

    // {String} - readonly, a component name (USER-DEFINED)

    // {String} - readonly, a component reference (USER-DEFINED)

    // {Object} - readonly, custom settings

    // {Object} - readonly, latest state

    // {Object} - readonly, all connections

exports.uninstall = function() {


When is the message instance created?

component.on('data', function(message) {
    // Properties:
    message.id;               // {Number} A message identificator
    message.index;            // {Number} An input number
    message.begin;            // {Date} when it started
    message.data;             // {Anything} user defined data
    message.completed;        // {Boolean} is sending completed?
    message.tracking;         // {Array of Instances} all instances in order which they modified data
    message.parent;           // {Component} a parent instance

    // Methods (private message repository):
    message.set(key, value);  // Sets a key-value to message repository (doesn't modify data)
    message.get(key);         // Gets a key-value (doesn't read data from "data")
    message.rem(key);         // Removes a key-value (doesn't read data from "data")
    message.rewrite(data);    // Rewrites the current with new

var message = component.send('YOUR-DATA-TO-CHILD-CONNECTIONS');

Multiple inputs

// data from all inputs go to 'data' event
component.on('data', function(message) {
    // message as specified above
    message.index; // Input number

// data from specific input go also to the corresponding event -> input 0 to event '0'
component.on('0', function(message) {
    // message as specified above



ON('open.componentname', function(component, options) {
    // Settings will be open

ON('save.componentname', function(component, options) {
    // Settings will be save

ON('select.componentname', function(component) {
    // A component has been selected in designer.

ON('click.componentname', function(component) {
    // Performed "click"

ON('add.componentname', function(component) {
    // A component has been added.

ON('rem.componentname', function(component) {
    // A component has been removed.

ON('apply', function() {
    // Designer will be sent to server and then will be applied

Good to know

How to change count of outputs/inputs dynamically?

v3.0.0 This is possible on client-side only.

ON('save.componentname', function(component, options) {

    component.output = 5;
    // component.input = 3;

    // or
    component.output = ['green', 'red', 'blue'];
    // component.input = ['green', 'red', 'blue'];

    // or set output to default
    component.output = null;
    // component.input = null;

Components: jComponent +v11.0.0

Bellow jComponents can be used in Settings form:

  • autocomplete (declared body)
  • binder (declared in body)
  • calendar (declared in body)
  • checkbox
  • checkboxlist
  • codemirror
  • colorpicker (declared in body)
  • confirm (declared in body)
  • contextmenu (declared in body)
  • dropdown
  • dropdowncheckbox
  • error
  • exec (declared in body)
  • form
  • importer
  • keyvalue
  • loading
  • message (declared in body)
  • nosqlcounter
  • repeater
  • repeater-group
  • search
  • selectbox
  • textbox
  • textboxlist
  • validation
  • visible
  • multioptions
  • dragdropfiles
  • filereader



Total.js Support is applied for components which are from developers: Peter Širka and Martin Smola. Do you want own compnents? Contact us.
