
A server side plugin for TFS for performing various Work Item related calculations, create new Work Items and Links automatically.

Primary LanguageC#

Master Build status Develop Build status

This server side plugin, for TFS 2013 update 2 up to TFS 2018.3 and Azure DevOps Server 2019, enables running custom script when Work Items change, allowing dynamic calculation of field values in TFS and more. (For example: Dev work + Test Work = Total Work).

The complete documentation is available on the project's Documentation Site.


What's new in v2.5

  • Adds support for TFS 2018.2 and 2018.3
  • Added support for Azure DevOps Server 2019

What's new in v2.4

  • Added support for TFS 2015.4.1
  • Added support for TFS 2017.0.1
  • Added support for TFS 2017.1
  • Added support for TFS 2017.2
  • Added support for TFS 2017.3
  • Added support for TFS 2017.3.1
  • Added support for TFS 2018
  • Added support for TFS 2018.1 RC
  • Added support for TFS 2018.1
  • Added support for TFS 2018.2
  • Fixes TemplateScope in TFS 2017 update 2 and higher
  • Added text to installer explaining the 2017u2 version works with 2017u3 as well
  • Added text to installer explaining the 2018 version works with 2018u1 as well
  • Reading and removal of Work item Links self.WorkItemLinks self.RemoveWorkItemLink
  • Global List editing with AddItemToGlobalList and RemoveItemFromGlobalList
  • Startup logging controlled by configuration file
  • New code layout, contributors are urged to read Source Code
  • Support for work-item-deleted event

What's new in v2.2

  • Support for TFS 2017
  • Macro snippets and Functions for Rules and make code more modular
  • Ability to specify server URL
  • Support for multiple workitem Ids in Console application (issue #178)
  • Ability to Send email from Rules
  • Migrated CI build from AppVeyor to VSTS
  • Use of GitVersion to manage Semantic Versioning

What's new in v2.1.1

  • Fixes important bug causing very high CPU usage (see #160).

What's new in v2.1

  • Support for TFS 2015.2, TFS 2015.2.1 and TFS 2015.3
  • Extended logging in debug version
  • Ability to override base Uri of the aggregator
  • Improvements in the setup
  • Adds PreviousRevision/NextRevision properties to Work Items to navigate history
  • Adds Uri field to Work Items
  • Removed policyscope on Workitem template GUID and revision (didn't work anyway)

What's new in v2

  • A 'real' Scripting language (C#, VB, Powershell)
  • Scoping allows select which rules apply to which Team Project
  • Enhanced filtering to trigger rules when conditions are met
  • Console application to quickly test new rules
  • Richer logging
  • Test harness and modularity to ease adding new features
  • Create new Work Items and Links using rules
  • and more...

Example Uses

  • Update the state of a Bug, PBI (or any parent) to "In Progress" when a child gets moved to "In Progress"
  • Update the state of a Bug, PBI (or any parent) to "Done" when all children get moved to "Done" or "Removed"
  • Update the "Work Remaining" on a Bug, PBI, etc with the sum of all the Task's "Work Remaining".
  • Update the "Work Remaining" on a Sprint with the sum of all the "Work Remaining" of its grandchildren (i.e. tasks of the PBIs and Bugs in the Sprint).
  • Sum up totals on a single work item (i.e. Dev Estimate + Test Estimate = Total Estimate)
  • Create new work items
  • Create new work item links

Contributing to the Project

Please read the Contributing document.