This is server side part of TON Domains bot. It was build quite fast, in a hackathon way, to reach MVP asap and bring the value to community. We are dreaming to rewrite everything from scratch, but MVP is MVP. Don't judge this too hard, better contribute and help this to improve.
- This application build on Nest framework.
- for database management Prisma.
- for blockchain using Tonweb library.
- also for blockchain using Ton3 library.
cp .env.local .env
- Fill out envs with your secrets like bot token, ton-auth static secret key etc
- docker-compose up -d mysql # don't forgot create db inside
- npm install
- npx prisma db push
- npx prisma generate
- npm run start:dev
Check schema.prisma contains all tables, entities and relations.
UserFollow - domains user following BlockchainDomain - system table to keep domains synced with the blockchain User - users table BalanceTransactions - system table with all topup/withdraw transactions Token - system table for authorization
Later on we gonna add dedicated, for now it's enough to stick to these rules:
- Use conventional commits while adding changes in your PR
- When making the PR, describe what problem you solve and/or attach an issue
- Please make it clean, imagine your grandchildren gonna see that code