
Deduplicated and GC-friendly string store

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GC-friendly string store

This library helps to store big number of strings in structure with small number of pointers to make it friendly to Go garbage collector.


As described in article Avoiding high GC overhead with large heaps, a large number of pointers make Go Garbage Collector life harder. So what if you need to deal with strings, a lot of strings? Every string is a pointer. You need to hide this pointers from Go runtime.

It's helpful for persistent caches and text resources.


As small as possible, as fast as possible.


package main

import (


// User is a domain model
type User struct {
	ID     int
	Name   string
	Labels []string

// UserCache is a persistent cache of users
type UserCache struct {
	data map[int]cachedUser
	dict symbols.Dictionary // using Dictionary to deduplicate labels

// cachedUser is a special struct to glue symbols with domain model
type cachedUser struct {
	name, labels symbols.Symbol

// Add user to cache
func (cache *UserCache) Add(user User) {
	if _, ok := cache.data[user.ID]; !ok {
		if cache.data == nil {
			cache.data = make(map[int]cachedUser)
		cache.data[user.ID] = cachedUser{
			name:   cache.dict.AddString(user.Name),
			labels: symbols.AddStrings(&cache.dict, user.Labels),

// Get user from cache by id
func (cache UserCache) Get(id int) (User, bool) {
	if user, ok := cache.data[id]; ok {
		return User{
			ID:     id,
			Name:   cache.dict.GetString(user.name),
			Labels: symbols.GetStrings(cache.dict, user.labels),
		}, true
	return User{}, false

func main() {
	cache := new(UserCache)
		ID:     1,
		Name:   "John",
		Labels: []string{"developer", "golang", "bicycle"},
		ID:     2,
		Name:   "Mary",
		Labels: []string{"developer", "golang", "running"},
		ID:     3,
		Name:   "Albert",
		Labels: []string{"manager", "bicycle", "running"},
	// Dictionary now contain strings
	// John, Mary, Albert
	// developer, golang, bicycle, running, manager
	// and composition of John's, Mary's and Albert's labels as 3-byte strings
	fmt.Println(cache.dict.Len()) // 11

How it works


Store has two parts:

  1. slice of pages for small strings;
  2. slice of long strings as is;

Short strings (less or equal 1<<12 - 1 bytes) stored in pages (1 MB byte arrays), for example:

[J, o, h, n, d, e, v, e, l, o, p, e, r, g, o, l, a, n, g, b, i, c, y, c, l, e, M, a, r, y, ...]

And Symbol for it represents next bits:

  • 1 bit with zero (see long strings store);
  • 31 bit with page number;
  • 12 bit with length of string;
  • 20 bit with index of string in the page;

If string to be add is longer then rest of current page, a new page is being created, so pages may be incomplete (less than 2KB per 1MB page, less than 0.2%).

Long strings stored as is in separate slice and Symbol for it represents index in this slice with 1 at first bit.


Dictionary is a Store Wrapper to deduplicate strings. It use map of xxhashes of strings as short index and long index map[string]Symbol on collision short index.

See also

Original Phil's Pearl projects stringbank and intern

  • store all strings independ of it length in pages that may cause a lot of unused space;
  • use slices as pages that add more pointers and unneeded length int per page;
  • use maphash to deduplicate, that is slower than xxhash;


  • Optimize long string store;