
Zipkin exporter for OpenTelemetry Erlang/Elixir

Primary LanguageErlangApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OpenTelemetry Zipkin Exporter

Zipkin exporter for OpenTelemetry Erlang/Elixir instrumentation.

Requires Zipkin 2.8 or above because it uses the v2 API with protobuf content type.


Easiest way to setup is to add configuration for the batch processor in OpenTelemetry application environment.

For an Erlang release in sys.config:

        #{exporter => {opentelemetry_zipkin, #{address => "http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans",
                                               local_endpoint => #{service_name => <<"ServiceName">>}}}}}]}]}

An Elixir release uses releases.exs:

config :opentelemetry,
    :processors, ot_batch_processor: %{exporter: {:opentelemetry_zipkin, %{address: 'http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans', local_endpoint: %{service_name: "ServiceName"}}}}