
The web application will provide users with access to information about different movies, directors, and genres. Users will be able to sign up, update their personal information, and create a list of their favorite movies.

Primary LanguageHTML

Movie API link

Movie Client


The web application will provide users with access to information about different movies, directors, and genres. Users will be able to sign up, update their personal information, and create a list of their favorite movies.


To build the server-side component of a “movies” web application. The web application will provide users with access to information about different movies, directors, and genres. Users will be able to sign up, update their personal information, and create a list of their favorite movies.

Movie API Link Live

Mikes Movie list

Shows a list of my favorite movies. ( 11 movies total )


  • Visit the API's documentation for all endpoints available

  • Or Check the documentation inside the public folder

  • Postman Online Documentation

  • JSDoc Online Documentation

  • You can also download the files manually, and open the documentation.html to preview it on the web browser


  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB (with MongoDB Atlas)
  • Heroku
  • Postman (for testing)


  • bcrypt

  • cors

  • express

  • express-validator

  • jsonwebtoken

  • mongoose

  • morgan

  • passport (with passport-jwt, and passport-local)

  • nodemon (dev)

  • jsDoc (dev)

Cloud Platform / Cloud Database Used