"# payment-gateway-standalone-starter"


The Payment Gateway is a sample Rest application created in Spring Boot, to demonstrate calling a REST api. The concept is that when a customer wishes to make a purchase on one of your company's websites, the purchase request gets sent via REST to the payment gateway server.

The normal use case is:

Client sends a POST request to http://localhost:8080/api/payment to request a new payment is attempted The server responds to this request with a unique transaction ID The client sends a GET request to http://localhost:8080/api/payment/{transactionId} The server responds with the status of the payment request In addition clients can: Send a GET request to http://localhost:8080/api/payment to get a list of all payments attempted Send a PUT request to http://localhost:8080/api/payment/{transactionId} to refund a payment Clients must include a header containing a 3 letter code for the requesting system. Valid codes are BRL, RJK and MTY. You can only do a GET for a payment request with a matching requesting system code.

This page can be used to generate a rest request, and it will send it to the server. The equivalent CURL command will also be provided.

How to run this project

  • Clone this repository
  • Using a command prompt navigate to the repository folder, type "getpaymentgateway" and press enter

Alternatively to run it from the command line:

Once the file is up and running, open the paymentgatewayclient.html file in a browser to test the Rest API.