

Fashion Technology is an up and coming industry that combines technology and clothing. At first, most people associate it with ‘wearables’ like Fitbit or Apple Watch, but it is much more than that!

Arduino is an open source hardware and software company that manufactures microcontrollers and microcontroller kits.

Lilypads are microcontrollers by Arduino that are specifically designed to be easily implemented into clothes and fabric. They are hand-washable, small in size, and simple in design. The pins on a Lilypad are holes with conductive material on the ring meant for conductive thread to be sewn through. Many projects integrate conductive thread and conductive fabric alongside the Lilypad. Lilypad also has LEDs, battery holders, and many other components compatible with e-textile projects.

This repository includes the code we used to program our Lilypad as well as a demo gif. Enjoy!