
☁ Proactive cloud security analysis in real-time. 24/7 autopilot for your cloud, hands free and powered by LLMs.

Primary LanguagePython

☁️ SecurityGuardianAI 🛡️

🌟 Introduction

SecurityGuardianAI is a proactive cloud security analysis application aimed to help identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities within the cloud infrastructure. The application should be able to provide real-time monitoring, analysis, and reporting to track any malicious activities that might occur on the cloud server.

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🎯 Features

  • 🔒 Continuous security auditing and monitoring
    • SecurityGuardianAI will provide continuous security auditing and monitoring of your cloud server.
  • 💡 Intelligent analysis and threat detection
    • SecurityGuardianAI's intelligent analysis and threat detection feature will utilize machine learning algorithms to identify potential security threats in real-time.
  • 🚨 Real-time alerting and reporting system
    • SecurityGuardianAI's real-time alerting and reporting system will send alerts to system administrators when security threats or vulnerabilities are detected, either through the web interface or via email.
  • 🖥️ Easy-to-use interface for management and reporting
    • SecurityGuardianAI features an easy-to-use management interface that provides insights into the current state of cloud analytics, allowing for easier management, control, and reporting of the cloud analytics process.

🚀 How to use

To use SecurityGuardianAI, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository by running git clone https://github.com/<username>/SecurityGuardianAI.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory with cd SecurityGuardianAI
  3. Install the required Python libraries and packages by running pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set up the database, create a new database, then run data_access_layer/db/schema.sql and data_acess_layer/db/seed.sql
  5. Start the application locally by running python business_logic_layer/main.py
  6. Click on the redirect link provided in the console output to access the application on your local browser.

✍️ How to contribute

To contribute to SecurityGuardianAI, please follow these steps:

  • Clone/fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your changes with git checkout -b <branchname>
  • Make the suggested changes.
  • Commit and push your changes to your branch.
  • Submit a pull request.

Remember to keep the pull request concise and direct.

📚 Scope of Work

The SecurityGuardianAI application has the following features:

  • Continuous security auditing and monitoring
  • Intelligent analysis and threat detection
  • Real-time alerting and reporting system
  • Easy to use interface for management and reporting

📐 System Architecture

The SecurityGuardianAI application will be built using an n-tier architecture. The application will consist of four main components.

  • Presentation layer
  • Business logic layer
  • Data access layer
  • Cloud monitoring layer
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── presentation_layer
│   └── app
│       ├── static
│       ├── templates
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── routes.py
│       └── forms.py
├── business_logic_layer
│   ├── app
│   │   ├── detector
│   │   ├── models
│   │   ├── services
│   │   ├── utils
│   │   └── __init__.py
│   ├── config
│   ├── tests
│   └── main.py
├── data_access_layer
│   ├── db
│   │   ├── schema.sql
│   │   ├── seed.sql
│   │   └── migrations/
│   ├── models.py
│   └── db.py
├── cloud_monitoring_layer
│   ├── scripts
│   ├── config
│   ├── tests
│   └── main.py
├── logs
│   ├── access.log
│   └── error.log
└── .gitignore
  • The presentation_layer directory contains files that are used for building the web interface.
  • The business_logic_layer directory contains code for intelligent analysis and threat detection, while the data_access_layer directory contains code for data access.
  • The cloud_monitoring_layer directory contains the logging scripts.
  • The logs directory stores the log files.
  • The requirements.txt file contains a list of all the required Python libraries and packages that need to be installed for running the project.
  • The README.md file will contain the project documentation, and the .gitignore file will contain files and directories that need to be excluded from version control.

🎨 Presentation Layer

The presentation layer will be a web interface that will be used to interact with the SecurityGuardianAI application. The presentation layer will be built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and will be hosted on a web server. The web interface will allow users to view, report, and manage any detected security threats.

🧠 Business Logic Layer

The business logic layer will contain the core of the application logic, as well as the intelligent analysis and threat detection code. The business logic layer will be built using Python programming language and hosted on a separate application server. The application server will communicate with the monitoring layer and the data access layer to efficiently produce analysis and detection results.

💾 Data Access Layer

The data access layer will be responsible for storing and retrieving data from the application's databases. The data access layer will be built using a Relational Database Management System, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, to optimize data storage and retrieval when accessing data from the business logic layer.

☁️ Cloud Monitoring Layer

The cloud monitoring layer will be responsible for collecting security information from the cloud server and sending it to the business logic layer for analysis. The cloud monitoring layer will be built using open-source log analyzers and visualizers, such as the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) and Fluentd, to efficiently process and manage the server logs.

🌈 Features

🔎 Security Monitoring

The application will continuously monitor the cloud server for any security threats, such as unauthorized access and data breaches.

🤖 Intelligent Analysis and Threat Detection

The application's business logic layer will analyze the collected data and use machine learning algorithms to identify potential security threats. The system must be able to detect threats in real-time and provide automated proactive measures to counteract any threats.

📢 Real-time Alerting and Reporting System

The application will have a real-time alerting and reporting system that will notify the system administrators when security threats or vulnerabilities are detected. The alerts will be sent in real-time, through both the web interface and email, to ensure prompt management and resolution of any threats.

📊 Dashboard and Management Interface

The management interface will provide an error-free, easy-to-use web dashboard that will give an overview of the current state of the cloud analytics. It will allow easier management and control over the cloud analytics process and provide insightful data on what is going on.

🤝 Get Involved

SecurityGuardianAI is designed to help you maintain a secure and reliable cloud infrastructure by providing real-time security monitoring, analysis, and proactive threat detection. By utilizing machine learning algorithms to detect potential threats, SecurityGuardianAI enhances security operations while increasing the reliability of cloud systems, thus providing businesses with the confidence they need to continue driving their business forward. 🚀🌍