
Android example with server project, android client and DTO library (app in market: Mubble)

Primary LanguageJava

Requirements for the project

- Eclipse or IntelliJ
- Gradle 1.0-rc3
- Android SDK

Project structure
- android-client (Android App)
- server (server application which android access)
- dto (shared classes between android-client and server application to communicate)

Set up project
Configuration in android-client

- Goto android-client/local.properties and change to your Android SDK path
    -> If wrong path you get message:
            A problem occurred evaluating project ':android-client'.
                Cause: taskdef class com.android.ant.SetupTask cannot be found
                 using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
                Cause: com.android.ant.SetupTask
- Generate key store
    cd android-client/keystore/
    keytool -genkey -v -keystore mubble.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -validity 10000
- Add keystore information to android-client/build.gradle (under androidPackage)
- Goto android-client/res/values/strings.xml and change key prefsApiUrlDefault to your rest URL, e.g. your local IP from http://api.mubble.org

Changes in server:
- Open JettyStart and enter your MongoDB connection data

Setup IDE (Eclipse/Intellij)
    gradle eclipse
or better
    gradle idea

--> Open Project in IDE

How to run
- Run JettyStart for Backend
- Setup Android emulator
- Run in Emulator (supporting from 1.6)

How to bundle
- Important to have a keystore to sign apps (see setup project)
- gradle build
- Build result
    - Signed Android App: android-client/build/distributions/android-client-0.1-DEV.apk
    - Deployable Server-App: server/build/libs/server-0.1-DEV.war