
A fun telegram bot to swap faces in images

Primary LanguagePython



Creating a telegram bot to be able to take an image, take the face of that image and swap it with all other uploaded images from then on.

Work Split

Telegram Bot

  1. Setting up Telegram bot using BotFather
  2. Setting up the base code for Telegram bot to receive input images
  3. Recognizing image as an image

Facial Recognition

  1. Using OpenCV for Facial Recognition in terms of pictures
  2. Output of four coordinates from picture face

Cropping of Photo

  1. Using four coordinates from picture face to crop out only face
  2. Storing face into database

Creation of Database

  1. Database to store cropped photo and new photos

Swapping Face

  1. Attaching cropped photo face to new photo

Output of New Picture

  1. Ask for second picture onwards
  2. For second picture onwards, for every input, give output of cropped face pasted onto face of new picture
