
Simple Neovim configuration for programming and more

Primary LanguageLua


Simple Neovim configuration for programming and more


Run this:

$ cd ~/.config && git clone
$ cp nvim/patch.lua nvim/lua/project/


If you are ArchLinux user, you may need the following packages:

  • neovim
  • python-pynvim
  • wezterm*
  • python-lsp-server
  • python-rope
  • python-lsp-ruff (AUR)
  • python-pylsp-mypy
  • typescript-language-server
  • eslint_d (AUR)
  • prettierd (AUR)
  • ccls
  • clang
  • stylua
  • stylelint
  • ripgrep
  • ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd*
  • noto-fonts-emoji*
  • khaser/sway-vim-kbswitch (GitHub)*

* -- or some alternative


Edit the lua/project/patch.lua file if you need a specific configuration of linters and formatters for your projects

If you are using WezTerm, the output of $ echo $TERM should be wezterm. If that's not true, fix it.

Some commands and shortcuts

<C-l> Increase the split size
<C-h> Decrease the split size
<C-d> Delete the selected buffer in the Telesope menu
<Tab> / <S-Tab> Navigation in the completion menu
<C-e> Close the completion menu
<CR> Accept the completion
<leader>a Open the list of entities
:set [no]spell Spell checking
:set [no]paste Insert without auto-indentation
C-g File length
\ll LaTeX compilation
\lv LaTeX document display
<space>e Show the diagnostic message
[d / ]d Go to the diagnostic message
<space>q Show diagnostic loclist
gD Go to the definition
gd Go to the declaration
gi Go to the implementation
K Show the entity info
<C-s> Show the signature help
<space>D Go to the type definition
<space>rn Rename the entity under the cursor
gr Show references to the entity under the cursor
<space>f Format the working buffer
<leader>hb Show the author of the line under the cursor