Welcome to Flights Service

Project Setup

  • clone the project on your local
  • Execute npm install on the same path as of your root directory of teh downloaded project.
  • Create a env file in the root directory and add the following environment variable. -PORT=3000
  • Inside the 'src/config- folder create a new file 'config.json- and then add the following piece of json
  "development": {
    "username": "<Your_DB_login_name>",
    "password": <Your_DB_password>,
    "database": "Flights_Search_DB_DEV",
    "host": "",
    "dialect": "mysql"

  • Once you've added your db config as listed above, go to the src folder from your terminat and execute 'npx sequelize db:create. and then exexute npx sequelize db:migrate`

DB design

  • Airplane Table

  • Flight Table

  • City

  • Airport Table

  • A flight belong to an airplane but an airplane can belong to many flights.

  • A city has many airports but an airport belong to one city.

  • A airport can have many flight but a flight belong to on airport.


City Table -> id , name, createdAt, updatedAt

Airport Table -> id, name, address, city_id, createdAt, updatedAt

RelationShips -> City has many airports and airport belong tp a city.
npx sequelize model:generate --name Airport --attributes name:String,address:String,city_id:integer

In simple terms, running db.sequelize.sync({ alter: true }) is like telling Sequelize to automatically make changes to your database so that it matches your model definitions. It's a way to keep your database up-to-date with your code without manually writing SQL queries to create or modify tables. This can be useful during development when you're frequently changing your models. However, it's important to be cautious when using this in a production environment, as it can modify the database schema and may lead to data loss or unintended consequences if not used carefully.