
This HTML code creates an online shopping website with a header containing the company logo, name, and navigation buttons. It imports Bootstrap CSS and JS and Font Awesome icons for the shopping cart. The body contains three products displayed in cards with images, names, prices, and Buy buttons arranged using the Bootstrap grid system.

Primary LanguageHTML


About the program:

This HTML code creates a webpage for an online shopping website. The code starts with the declaration of the HTML document type and sets the language of the webpage to English. Then, the code defines the header of the webpage, which includes the company logo, company name, and navigation buttons. The code also imports Bootstrap’s compiled CSS and JS, as well as Font Awesome icons for the shopping cart button.

The body of the webpage contains three products, each displayed in a card with an image, product name, price, and a Buy button. The cards are arranged in a row using the Bootstrap grid system.

The HTML code also imports a stylesheet called "stylesheet.css", which likely contains additional styling rules for the webpage. Additionally, the code imports a font style from Google Fonts, "Coiny," for the company name 'Morning Market'.

Created by Fernando Vinagre