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Storm Event Database

About Dataset

The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) regularly receives Storm Data from the National Weather Service (NWS). This data set consists of state wise occurrence of Event type in USA like Tornado, Thunderstorm Wind and Hail, Marine strong wind, Flash flood, Heavy rain, Heavy snow, Funnel Cloud, Extensive Heat and also contains data regarding locations, fatalities, injuries, damage, narratives and any other event specific information which can be used for information and analysis by business sectors, insurance companies, hazard mitigation, policy makers etc. (NCDC, 2017)

Data for Analysis

We are using the data of 2016 to analyze the effect of event types on economy (property damage and crop damage) and casualties (injuries and deaths). Furthermore, We have used data of 2011-2016 to see the trends of top events we have found in 2016.Overall there are 51 attributes/columns in each data file.


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Metadata : Information available to understand and interprete data

Storm events database contains the records with information on

  • Occurrence of Storms and other significant events which is likely to cause more damage, death and injuries.
  • Other rare, unusual weather phenomenon like snow flurries

The data is entered by NOAA's National Weather Service(NWS). Overall 48 event types are recorded as metnioned in NWS Directive 10-1605.

51 Columns/datafields are there in data which can be defined as shown in Storm Data Export Format