
This is a token generator app developed using android studio (Java) and firebase.

We have developed an online appointment booking system. To implement this online appointment system we have used android studio to develop android application. We have developed two application one for End-User and another for business-users. In end-user application, user is able to register himself/herself or login via google to start booking appointment. User can see his/her appointment in your booking’s section of the application. A unique QR code will be generated for each and every booking. For business user, business user first need to register his/her business to avail online booking service. After registration, business user can manage bookings of his/her business in home page of application. A QR code scanner is implemented in Business user application to ensure authentication of booking.

To run this application in your local machine. First you need android studio with proper android sdk.

To clone this repository: git clone


Splash Screen Login Screen Home Screen Places List
Navigation Show Booking Scan QR Screen Info