- 0
How to install PHPCSMD in netbeans 8.2
#51 opened by jeetpatel - 6
Netbeans 11.3
#49 opened by RolandSM - 2
- 0
- 1
"cancel" scan doesn't stop current scan
#26 opened by fonsecas72 - 0
- 0
- 7
Version for netbeans 8.1?
#47 opened - 2
Scan does nothing, tons of errors in log
#46 opened by zburnham - 1
Process for inclusion in NetBeans PluginPortal?
#48 opened by paul-m - 1
Option to scan/update as you type?
#45 opened by nogaff - 0
Setting option for running PHPCS-like tools
#44 opened by dsheiko - 1
- 22
Add support to import a generated PMD report
#37 opened by jbinfo - 0
- 5
- 2
Settings > PHP > PHPCSMD > General > ignore regex ... isn't regular expression'ing.
#39 opened by jedgell - 2
phpcpd must use one exclude for each folder
#31 opened by fonsecas72 - 0
Better menu captions
#38 opened by vralfy - 6
Netbeans 8.0 Beta
#36 opened by nusphere - 1
Add "script location" to project settings
#32 opened by fonsecas72 - 4
- 3
Toggle phpcsmd annotations
#29 opened by marcovtwout - 1
This is happening on NetBeans 7.3.1 Mac OSX
#30 opened by naillizard - 0
FileCountThread does not count
#28 opened by vralfy - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
debug log window should be re-sizable
#22 opened by fonsecas72 - 6
missing phpcpd violations under windows
#11 opened by vralfy - 1
- 0
First file on start up is not annotated
#18 opened by vralfy - 7
- 10
change "ignore regex" setting default value
#17 opened by fonsecas72 - 4
Folder Scan must be reviewed
#7 opened by fonsecas72 - 0
[suggestion] in settings the "Extras" options could only turn visible when checkbox "Extras" is enable
#16 opened by fonsecas72 - 0
- 0
- 0
Mark annotations in the left errorstripe
#13 opened by vralfy - 0
- 0
Group violations in action items tab
#10 opened by vralfy - 0
Progressbar showing current scan progress
#9 opened by vralfy - 4
- 1
malformed regex in Logger
#8 opened by fonsecas72 - 2
Improve Log output
#2 opened by fonsecas72 - 0
make phpmd use different ruleset.xml
#6 opened by vralfy - 0