- 2
Throws errors when encountering types that cannot be mapped (e.g. `tstzrange`) and does not generate output file
#24 opened by ratasorin - 0
Support handling composite types
#23 opened by ian-weir - 2
Add option to disable bigint.
#17 opened by wirekang - 3
Why nullable columns are optional?
#18 opened by wirekang - 0
"--no-header" flag not working.
#19 opened by wirekang - 1
Add custom suffix on generated types.
#16 opened by wirekang - 8
postgis types
#15 opened by Kim-Andersen - 2
Not working
#14 opened by xerosanyam - 2
throwOnMissingType is not supported
#8 opened by bchrobot - 1
Generate a table to DB Type lookup
#3 opened by yasserf - 1
Provide a database description JS file
#2 opened by yasserf - 1 typo
#1 opened by jmayergit