=== Drone Taxi === A game for AR.Drone and Maemo/Meego/Desktop Linux devices. Demo video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erTAMOzdf0Y here are quick instructions: ** BUILD ** You'll need: - artoolkitplus (2.2) - SDL - ARDrone SDK 1.5 in home directory with Kate Alhola's patch applied. ARDrone SDK is the difficult one, as 1.5 is not available anymore and latest is 1.6. I haven't tested if 1.6 requires the patch. I don't think i have persmission to distribute the patched version. http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Blogs/blog/kate-alholas-forum-nokia-blog/2010/12/23/ar-drone-with-meego See qmake file for hints and good luck. Artoolkitplus and espeak have been packaged as meego rpm's and will be in repos shortly. ** RUN ** - you'll need espeak binary to get audio connect a PS3 gamepad via USB to control using it. We didn't get it to work on Meego but on Ubuntu laptop it works nicely. The code is originally based on Kate Alhola's mardrone (thanks!) and some references to it may still be found. -- 10.10.2011 Ville Ranki <ville.ranki@iki.fi>