
Apple airplay and raop protocol server

Primary LanguageC


Following licenses apply:

src/lib/alac/*         - MIT License
src/lib/crypto/*       - New BSD License
src/lib/http_parser.*  - MIT License
src/lib/bindings/*     - MIT License
src/lib/*              - LGPLv2.1+ License
AirTV-Qt/*             - LGPLv2.1+ License

Also the following files are used, although not necessary:

AirTV-Qt/qtsingleapplication/src/* - New BSD License


Short description about what each file in the main library does:

src/lib/base64.*         - base64 encoder/decoder
src/lib/dnssd.*          - dnssd helper functions
src/lib/http_parser.*    - HTTP parser from joyent (nginx fork)
src/lib/http_request.*   - Request parser that uses http_parser
src/lib/http_response.*  - Extremely simple HTTP response serializer
src/lib/httpd.*          - Generic HTTP/RTSP server
src/lib/logger.*         - Logging related functions
src/lib/netutils.*       - Mostly socket related code
src/lib/raop.*           - Main RAOP handler, handles all RTSP stuff
src/lib/raop_rtp.*       - Handles the RAOP RTP related stuff (UDP/TCP)
src/lib/raop_buffer.*    - Parses and buffers RAOP packets, resend logic here
src/lib/rsakey.*         - Decrypts and parses the RSA key to bigints
src/lib/rsapem.*         - Converts the RSA PEM key to DER encoded bytes
src/lib/sdp.*            - Extremely simple RAOP specific SDP parser
src/lib/utils.*          - Utils for reading a file and handling strings

Short description about what each file in the Qt application does:

AirTV-Qt/main.cpp                 - Initializes the application
AirTV-Qt/mainapplication.cpp      - Creates the tray icon and starts RAOP
AirTV-Qt/raopservice.cpp          - Handles all communication with the library
AirTV-Qt/raopcallbackhandler.cpp  - Converts C callbacks to Qt callbacks
AirTV-Qt/audiooutput.cpp          - Takes care of the actual audio output