
Library to perform distributed matrix operations using actor model with Akka

Primary LanguageJava

Block Matrix Manager with Akka

These are set of tools to implement distributed block matrix operations with the actor model.

Distributed matrix operations, such as matrix multiplication, matrix factorization, etc are operations which can be calculated concurrently on multiple computers

Block matrix is a way to represent large matrices as a combination of smaller size matrices. The size of the block, smaller matrix which original matrix consists of, is selected in the way that the operation on it can be efficiently calculated on one computer.

Block Matrix algorithms is the class of algorithms which express the calculation of the operation on original large matrix via the number of calculations on smaller matrices and the way to combine the result.

Actor Model is a conceptual model which describes the distributed computation as a complex choreography of the smaller components which play the role in overall process. It is distinguished from other forms of the parallel/concurrent programing models by the way of expressing the process in declarative style. Usually what is declared are events happening in the process and reactive handlers to those events.

Akka is the most popular implementation of the Actor Model approach to distributed computations. It has state of the art tools and techniques built in which allows fast experimentations with the approach

Library for Actor Model application to Block Matrix Algorithms

This library provides high-level building blocks to implement Block Matrix Algorithms with the Akka.


Distributed algorithm is executed on the set nodes -- 1..N machines When matrix is splitted in smaller sub-matrices, blocks, every block is get assigned to the particular section. Every node would be responsible for 1..M matrix blocks idenififed by it's coorinates in the matrix. Logical representation of the nodes are Sections -- mapping of the matrix blocks to the execution nodes. Mapping is done via configuration file placed on the node.

When expressing block matrix algorithms in actor model, natural way to handle that is to have separate actor for each block. However not all blocks would be processed differently.

Nature of the distributed block matrix algorithm is that different operations are applied to the different block types. I.e. diagonal blocks vs sub-diagonal blocks, blocks in the first row/column, etc. That's why different block types would be subscribed to the different events and execute different handlers. That's why there would be generic actor responsible for processing matrix block which would have custom logic depending on the position of the block in the matrix.

Section is subscribed to all the events which corresponds to every block it is consists of and executes handlers to those events.


File Transfer component sets up initial actor placement, basic events and coordination between actors to enable files exchange. File transfer is initiated by the event about file is ready on

Section Coordinator is responsible for running the actors for the blocks related to the section and subscribe them on all the events. It also responsible for setting up file transfers with other sections.

Generic Block Matrix Actor implementation of the actor which can have element attached with the correct handlers

Elements: Based on position of the blocks there are different events and responsibilities. These differences are encapsulated in Elements logic. Currently supported elements are: Diagonal position (N, N), Sub-Diagonal position (N, M: M>N), Zero position (0,0)

Handlers are algorithm-specific pieces of logic attached to the elements to handle the events

Algorithms implemented

Cholesky block matrix decomposition


The orchetsration of the system is done via kubernetes. When specifying new orchestration, kubernetes configuration should be changed to reflect