
data pack for minecraft to create a hardpoint style game mode from Call Of Duty

Primary Languagemcfunction


data pack for minecraft to create a hardpoint style game mode from Call Of Duty


To integrate into your map, you will need to modify the following mcfunctions: grotto.mcfunction office.mcfunction summonpoint.mcfunction These functions have hardcoded locations which you will want to change for your map.

You will also want to add ways for your players to join teams, you can use a redstone activated command block with the following command: function hardpoint:joinred

Starting a match:

To start the first match you will need to run the following commands:

function hardpoint:init
function hardpoint:start

Once the match ends, to start a new match you simply run: function hardpoint:start

To end Hardpoint and clean up run the following command: function hardpoint:stop

After hardpoint:init has been ran once, it will not need to be ran again unless hardpoint:stop has been called.

Additional Info

If you need to end a game early you can run hardpoint:reset to restart the game clock and then run hardpoint:start when ready.