
🚽 Scraper for Dota

Primary LanguageC#


Tool that scrapes Dotabuff to retreive information about Dota.

How To Use


  1. Download Visual Studio if an IDE is needed.
  2. Download and Install the Nuget Package Manager for Visual Studio.
  3. If you dont want to install Visual Studio, then do ahead and download the latest .NET Framework for running the program.
  4. If you downloaded Visual Studio then you can configure your required packages, build and run your program through the IDE otherwise follow the cmd process:
# Open a command prompt and change into the solution directory.
> cd "C:\Github\DotaScraper"

# Reference your .NET framework directory and use the executables to run the program
> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.5.xxxxx\csc.exe Program.cs
> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.5.xxxxx\msbuild.exe MetadataScraper.sln
> C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.5.xxxxx\msbuild.exe MetadataScraper.csproj