This docker image is debian wheezy based with the apache2.2 webserver and several php fastcgi versions.
PHP fastcgi versions are compiled from phpfarm.
- standard wheezy php version 5.4.45-0+deb7u6 at port 80
- php fastcgi version 5.2.17 at port 82
- php fastcgi version 5.3.29 at port 83
- php fastcgi version 5.4.45 at port 84
- php fastcgi version 5.6.29 at port 86
- initial extract of volumedata (do not overwrites existing files and runs only at first startup)
- /var/www
- /etc/apache2
- /etc/php5/cgi/5.2.17
- /etc/php5/cgi/5.3.29
- /etc/php5/cgi/5.4.45
- /etc/php5/cgi/5.6.29
- /var/log/apache2
docker run -d --name ap2-fcgi -p 81:80 -p 82:82 -p 83:83 -p 84:84 pipp37/apache2_phpcgi
The apache web server is then available at the container host at ports 81, 82, 83, 84 and 86.
docker run -d --name ap2-fcgi -p 81:80 -p 82:82 -p 83:83 -p 84:84 \
-v /var/apache2-phpcgi/www/:/var/www/ \
-v /var/apache2-phpcgi/apache2/:/etc/apache2/ \
-v /var/apache2-phpcgi/logs/:/var/log/apache2/ \
-v /var/apache2-phpcgi/php5.2.17/:/etc/php5/cgi/5.2.17 \
-v /var/apache2-phpcgi/php5.3.29/:/etc/php5/cgi/5.3.29 \
-v /var/apache2-phpcgi/php5.4.45/:/etc/php5/cgi/5.4.45 \
-v /var/apache2-phpcgi/php5.6.29/:/etc/php5/cgi/5.6.29 pipp37/apache2_phpcgi
The apache web server is available at the container host at ports 81, 82, 83, 84 and 86 with all volumes in /var/apache2-phpcgi.
docker ps
docker exec -it ContainerID /bin/bash
Create a file docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
image: pipp37/apache2_phpcgi
- "81:80"
- "82:82"
- "83:83"
- "84:84"
- "86:86"
- ./logs:/var/log/apache2
- ./www:/var/www
- ./apache2:/etc/apache2
- ./php5.2.17:/etc/php5/cgi/5.2.17
- ./php5.3.29:/etc/php5/cgi/5.3.29
- ./php5.4.45:/etc/php5/cgi/5.4.45
- ./php5.6.29:/etc/php5/cgi/5.6.29
Start with: docker-compose up &
Stop with: docker compose down