This is release v0.8.1 of OSPRay. Changes since v0.8.0:

  • The volume renderer and volume viewer can now be run MPI parallel (data replicated) using the "--osp:mpi" command line option.
  • Improved performance of volume grid accelerator generation, reducing load times for large volumes.
  • The volume renderer and volume viewer now properly handle multiple isosurfaces.
  • Added small example tutorial demonstrating how to use OSPRay.
  • Several fixes to support older versions of GCC.
  • Bug fixes to ospSetRegion() implementation for arbitrarily shaped regions and setting large volumes in a single call.
  • Bug fix for geometries with invalid bounds; fixes streamline and sphere rendering in some scenes.
  • Fixed bug in depth buffer generation.

For more information, visit http://www.ospray.org.

Release History

Changes in v0.8.0:

  • Incorporated early version of a new Qt-based viewer to eventually unify (and replace) the existing simpler GLUT-based viewers.
  • Added new path tracing renderer (ospray/render/pathtracer), roughly based on the Embree sample path tracer.
  • Added new features to the volume renderer:
    • Gradient shading (lighting)
    • Implicit isosurfacing
    • Progressive refinement
    • Support for regular grids, specified with the "gridOrigin" and "gridSpacing" parameters.
    • New "shared_structured_volume" volume type that allows voxel data to be provided by applications through a shared data buffer.
    • New API call to set subregions of volume data (ospSetRegion()).
  • Added a subsampling-mode, enabled with a negative "spp" parameter; the first frame after scene changes is rendered with reduced resolution, increasing interactivity.
  • Added multi-target ISA support; OSPRay will now select the appropriate ISA at run time.
  • Added support for the Stanford SEP file format to the seismic module.
  • Added "--osp:numthreads " command line option to restrict the number of threads OSPRay creates.
  • Various bug fixes, cleanups and documentation updates throughout the codebase.

Changes in v0.7.2:

  • Build fixes for older versions of GCC and Clang
  • Fixed time series support in ospVolumeViewer
  • Corrected memory management for shared data buffers
  • Updated to ISPC 1.8.1
  • Resolved issue in XML parser