
This is a collection of datasets for evaluation of group assignment algorithms.

The original data was acquired from F-formation discovery in static images.


The collection consists of the following compacted datasets:

  • Synthetic Data: link
  • IDIAP Poster Data: link (This dataset could not included.)
  • Cocktail Party Data: link
  • Coffee Break Data: link
  • GDet Data: link

matlab/octave representations

The original matlab/octave representations of the datasets can be found in data/octave

json representations

You can use the original representations to genereate json files with:

octave generate_json.m

This requires the submodule jsonlab to be checked out and creates a folder structure and the corresponding json documents in data/json.

Thanks to jsonlab for the json-encoding part.


If you are using these datasets, please visit and appropriately cite the datasets and papers you use.