
Repository for Programming Assignment 2 for R Programming on Coursera

Primary LanguageR

Caching the Inverse of Matrix

The first function, makeCacheMatrix creates a special "matrix, which is really a list containing a function to

  1. set the value of the matrix
  2. get the value of the matrix
  3. set the value of the inverse of the matrix
  4. get the value of the inverse of the matrix
makeCacheMatrix <- function(x = matrix()) {
    i <- NULL
    set <- function (z){
            x <<- z
            i <<- NULL
    get <- function() x
    setinv <- function(solve) i <<- solve
    getinv <- function() i
    list(set = set, get = get, setinv = setinv, getinv = getinv)

The following function calculates the inverse of the special "matrix" created with the above function. However, it first checks to see if the inverse has already been calculated. If so, it gets the inverse from the cache and skips the computation. Otherwise, it calculates the inverse of the data and sets the value of the inverse in the cache via the setinv function.

cacheSolve <- function(x, ...) {
    i <- x$getinv()
    if(!is.null(i)){ #Checks if inverse has already been computed
            message("using cached data")
            return(i) #Returns cached inverse
    data <- x$get()
    i <- solve(data,...) #Computes inverse
    x$setinv(i) #Saves inverse to be retrieved later