Role Name

Deploy node exporter.


Ansible 2.9+.

Role Variables

Name Required Description
prometheus_node_exporter_version yes Node exporter package version. Can be found here
prometheus_node_exporter_checksum yes Checksum of the package. Can be found here
prometheus_node_exporter_listen_addr yes Address on which node exporter will listen
prometheus_node_exporter_enabled_collectors no List of additionally enabled collectors. It adds collectors to those enabled by default
prometheus_node_exporter_disabled_collectors no List of disabled collectors. By default node_exporter disables collectors listed here
prometheus_node_exporter_memory_limit no Memory limit for the systemd service. Defaults to 32M
prometheus_node_exporter_limit_nofile no LimitNOFILE for the systemd service. Defaults to 4096
prometheus_node_exporter_limit_nproc no LimitNPROC for the systemd service. Defaults to 512


    - hosts: servers
         - vrischmann.prometheus-node-exporter
