the repo behind the repos
Please create a Github Issue on this repository for anything related to BeerJS generally, for example, to ask for the creation of a new repo for your local chapter of BeerJS
We use github (this website!) to discuss things. If you're not used to that, here's a quick video intro.
Anyone can do it- why not you? Please open an issue on this repo and clearly state:
- the github usernames of everyone who should be an admin on the repo. we find that having at least 2 is best, but if it's just you, that's fine for now.
- the name of the repo. this becomes the url slug, eg
. if your city has a short name, like an airport code, that's fine. whatever you like that's still recognizable as your city. - bonus: gifs or emoji are always welcome
Once you have a repo created, encourage people in your town to "watch" the repo to subscribe to notifications for issues on github. Issues are a great way to propose, plan, and remind people of upcoming events. Filling out a readme, description, and optional URL to your repo will help people know what's going on and want to come to your cool event. Feel free to borrow text and formatting from other beer.js repos.
a great way is to open an issue, or browse through some of the repos from other cities to see what they're up to.
all events, activities, and internet spaces which bear the beer.js name are subject to the Citizen Code of Conduct. simply stated, harassment of any form will not be tolerated and should be reported to your local organizer or to please drink responsibly and act in a way that honors the community values of respect and mutual enrichment which we share.
beer.js is about creating social spaces to strengthen software communities. there is no requirement to drink to participate.
See this thread from a local chapter: beerjs/abq#6
to the extent that anyone "runs" beerjs, it's these folks:
- @voodootikigod, jsconf
- @cramforce, jsconfeu
- @jden, random internet citizen
The best way to get in touch with one of us is through the issues on this repo. @jden can also be reached by email,
cheers & beers 🍻