vrjuliao's Followers
- afrinakterlinkedin.com/in/afrin-akter/
- alinecristinapinto@OriginFinancial
- barbaragribeiroBrazil
- beike-zh
- BrenoCPimentaUFMG
- caiocaldeira3Belo Horizonte
- canescheUFMG
- Cissakind
- condekind
- cristineguadelupe
- dqismeThoughtworks
- emediatobackcountry
- fseppe@amzn
- gabreuvcr@Ploomes
- GabrielNegreirosLima@ditointernet
- guilhermealbmBanco Inter
- guilhermebezerrads
- guilhermeolivsilva@bigdatabr
- henriquecfreitasBelo Horizonte
- JWesleySMThe University of Edinburgh
- lorenaleao@cyralinc
- LucianoPAlmeida@microsoft
- luizbaldi@skylightfamily
- mschimieguelUFMG
- pepedoniStars Poker
- poesiabinariaUFPE
- Portugal-vpv
- ptcar2009@pteco
- Robertorosmaninho@Pi-Squared-Network
- samuelcunhaVipCommerce
- sleipnirEigr
- thais-damasioUFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais
- TusgavinCI&T
- VictorHSMoura@Google
- vinicpacCadence Design Systems
- zoomstaritTelgram:https://t.me/Zoomstarit