File Service - a sample web service for transferring files over X-Road. Currently supports only serving files. The file contents are returned using MTOM
Debian and Redhat release packages are available in repository:
Supported versions: Ubuntu 14.04 and RHEL7
Precondition: Ubuntu 14 or earlier requires adding repository for java8-runtime-headless before fileservice installation:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
apt-get update
Install service (Ubuntu 14.xx/upstart will start the service automatically):
sudo apt install xroad-fileservice
Verify service is running:
initctl status xroad-fileservice
Using service:
initctl stop xroad-fileservice
initctl start xroad-fileservice
Install service:
sudo yum install xroad-fileservice
Redhat/system.d requires manual service start and enabling it to be started automatically in server boot:
systemctl start xroad-fileservice
systemctl enable xroad-fileservice
Verify service is running:
systemctl status xroad-fileservice
Using service:
systemctl stop xroad-fileservice
systemctl start xroad-fileservice
Requires JDK 8 to build and JRE 8 to run.
git clone
cd xroad-fileservice
./gradlew build
The build produces two runnable jars: the service (in service/build/libs) and a simple client (in client/build/libs)
Create a directory for downloadable files (default location /var/spool/xroad-fileservice/outgoing)
[sudo] mkdir -p /var/spool/xroad-fileservice/outgoing
The current version does not support subdirectories. -
Create a directory for incoming files (default location /var/spool/xroad-fileservice/incoming)
[sudo] mkdir -p /var/spool/xroad-fileservice/incoming
Change permissions so that writing is allowed by the server process. Overwriting an existing file is not allowed. -
Run the service:
java -jar service/build/libs/xroad-fileservice.jar \ --server.port=8080 \ --outgoing-directory=/var/spool/xroad-fileservice/outgoing --incoming-directory=/var/spool/xroad-fileservice/incoming
The parameters are optional if the default values (above) are used.
The service WSDL is available from http://<host:port>/fileservice?wsdl
Without parameters, a short usage note is outputted:
java -jar client/build/libs/xroad-fileclient-1.0.jar
Usage: (java -jar ...) <url> <clientId> <memberId> <command> [command arguments]
url : service or client security server URL
clientId: instanceId/memberClass/memberCode/subsystemCode
memberId: service memberId, same format as clientId
filename: name of the file to fetch
command : get | put | list
get <remote filename> [local filename]
remote filename : name of the remote file to fetch
local filename : name of the output file, or standard output if omitted
put <local filename> [remote file name]
local filename : name of the input file, or '-' for standard input
remote filename : name of the remote file (same as local file if omitted)
(lists downloadable files)
Download a file
java -jar client/build/libs/xroad-fileclient.jar \
http://localhost:8080/fileservice \
get \
remotefile \
Upload a file
java -jar client/build/libs/xroad-fileclient.jar \
http://localhost:8080/fileservice \
put \
localfile \
List downloadable files
java -jar client/build/libs/xroad-fileclient.jar \
http://localhost:8080/fileservice \
Example request (using curl)
curl -H 'Content-Type:text/xml' --data-binary @- http://localhost:8080/fileservice <<EOF
<xro:service iden:objectType="SERVICE">
<xro:client iden:objectType="SUBSYSTEM">
Example response (file 'filename' was not found):
Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="text/xml"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<faultstring>The requested file does not exist</faultstring>
<errorResponse xmlns=""><error>File not found: filename</error></errorResponse>
Example response (returning the requested file):
Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="text/xml"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<xro:protocolVersion xmlns:xro="">4.0</xro:protocolVersion>
<xro:id xmlns:xro="">ID</xro:id>
<xro:userId xmlns:xro="">userID</xro:userId>
<xro:service xmlns:xro="" xmlns:iden="" iden:objectType="SERVICE">
<xro:client xmlns:xro="" xmlns:iden="" iden:objectType="SUBSYSTEM">
<getResponse xmlns="">
<xop:Include xmlns:xop="" href=""/>
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <>
Content-Disposition: attachment;name="foo"