Unmaintained repository. Development moved to: https://github.com/nordic-institute/X-Road-development
- alweiler
- aratturInformation Technology Centre of the Ministry of the Environment
- atuomi
- bendotto
- eemailme
- hanecak
- hanhakaJohn Deere Forestry Oy
- hsintonenWithSecure Corporation
- iluwatar@gofore
- jahauJSP-IT Solutions Oy
- janiruuskanen
- jansu76Gofore
- jhcloos
- jhupli
- jjuha
- jtscc
- JyrgenSuvalovTallinn, Estonia
- kristoheeroCybernetica AS
- kyyberiAbu Dhabi
- lauri-fsecure
- MarsJam
- mkostamo
- OttKostnerRIA
- pekkaan
- petkivimNordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS)
- pkivimaHelsinki, Finland
- salum-arFinland
- schweizerbolzonello
- Silvast
- tanelikaivola
- temonen
- tkajava
- tkarttu
- vapalahti
- VitaliStupin