A simple Julia API extension for DateTime.
This package will provide you easy remember work flow with the DateTime interface of julia DateTime
- Add package using
import Pkg; Pkg.add("Tz")
- import package using
import Tz
- you can work with following example.
(1) Get package version
(2) Gree the message
(1) Get current timestamp
- Go to clone directory
- using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); Pkg.instantiate(); Pkg.precompile() ; push!(LOAD_PATH, ".")
- using Tz; Tz.version()
- using Pkg; using Dates ; Pkg.gc(;collect_delay=Dates.Day(0))
- or single line command to work with clone project is
julia --project=@.
- using Tz; Tz.version()
There are two ways using Julia REPL
(1) you can use ]add or (2) ]dev from Julia REPL