Three.js WebXR hand tracking example

Simple example of hand tracking and gesture recognition using Three.js and WebXR.

This example uses NodeJS and http-server

For more information on this example example, including a video walkthought.

Running in HTTP mode

This example code can run in HTTP mode, however, WebXR requires that a website be delivered using HTTPS in order to enter fully immersive VR mode from a headset.

If you are using a Browser VR emulator like the Immersive Web Emulator or WevXR API Emulator you can enter emulated VR mode on the browser, however, the emulators do not currently (March 2024) support hand tracking emulation and you will only have access to the mechanical controllers.

npm i
npm run serve

Running in HTTPS SSL mode (recommended)

To run this example in fully immersive VR mode with hand tracking, the web server will need to run this example in HTTPS mode which will require a SSL certificate. This example code uses the NodeJS http-server web server and you can find details on the packages web page on how to create your own SSL certificate.

Once OpenSSL is installed your should be able to run the server using the following commands,

npm i
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
npm run serve-ssl

In your VR headset, open the link shown in the startup output in the browser and press the "Enter VR" button.

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