
Project goals was to setup a device which will be used to set a timer to shut down lights in the dormitory

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Some esp32 micropython lighttimer switch projectthingy

Project created in course of the "Girls‘Day – Mädchen-Zukunftstag"



Project goals was to setup a device which will be used to set a timer to shut down lights in the dormitory.

Getting Started


hardware / environment

  • somewhat "triggerable" light-switch (in our case: KNX based lighting with a KNX-IP-Tunnel-Interface "controlled" by node-red)
  • esp32
  • sh1106-display or ssd1306-display
  • rotary encoder KY-044
  • wiring / breadboard / soldering iron. We ended up wrap-wiring the connections because it was safer and the day was over quite fast.
  • not needed, but somewhat "good": printed 3d-case. We ended up using this one and just physically enlarging the hole with a step drill to make enough room for the KY-044 rotary encoder.
  • rotary-encoder

software / environment

  • wifi
  • installed mqtt-server (we used a local mosquitto instance for that purpose)
  • installed node-red (used to bridge mqtt to knx) so that we can just send a mqtt-msg and node-red sends the appropriate knx-datagram to shut down the light
  • not needed, but we were quite happy to use thonny for copying over files and reworking some parts of the code


  • install a fresh version of micropython on an esp32 with wifi capabilities
  • copy over all files found in this repo to the device
  • either adapt esp32config.json or create a copy of esp32config.json named as esp32config.local.json and adapt settings therein such as:
    • wifi-networks credentials
    • mqtt-broker credentials
    • enable i2c and set pins appropriately
    • enable rotary and set pins appropriately
    • create logic (e.g. via node-red) which listens to the "lightswitchfeed"-topic on the mqtt-broker and if data comes in triggers the light accordingly

Executing program

  • since the code is placed in boot.py and main.py just booting/resetting the esp32 should make this work


Contributors names and contact info

  • This repo's owner
  • Other people mentioned/credited in the files

Version History

  • -0.42
    • the will be no versioning.


This project is licensed under the LGPL where applicable/possible License - see the LICENSE.md file for details. Some files/part of files could be governed by different/other licenses and/or licensors, such as (e.g., but not limited to) MIT | GPL | LGPL; so please also regard/pay attention to comments in regards to that throughout the codebase / files / part of files.


Inspiration, code snippets, etc.

  • please see comments in files for that

some pictures of it


btw. removing (relevant) exif-data from jpg-files should be quite easy

  • for i in *jpg ; do exif -o ${i%.jpg}_noexif.jpg --remove $i ; done

to find a solution for properly removing exif-data from mp4-files was quite an ordeal

  • ffmpeg -i 53679181530_512f8441dc_vm.mp4 -map_metadata -1 -vcodec copy -an 53679181530_512f8441dc_vm_noexif.mp4
  • or even as webm:
    ffmpeg -i 53679181530_512f8441dc_vm.mp4 -crf 40 -deadline best -vf scale=2040:-2 -an -map_metadata -1 -an 53679181530_512f8441dc_vm_noexif.webm
    which has then to be renamed to .mp4 since it would not "play" otherwise ?! Giving up on video-embed in this file now...