
This repo has been ABANDONED, all code merged into https://github.com/parai/as

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# https://github.com/parai/as

## This repository has been dropped and all the code has been merged into my new Automotive Software repository https://github.com/parai/as
Arctic Core - the open source AUTOSAR embedded platform

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Since 2013-11-23 17:17 base on arc-stable-a45528fee37b.zip AUTOSAR 3.1
	As I have tried a lot, I want to implement an OSEK or AutoSAR infrastructure software for automative electronics,but the fact is that I am not smart and energetic enough to do the whole thing. In the day, I have to do a job to feed me. I just spent some time for the goal I want to realise on night or at the weekend. No doubt, it turns out no good.I feel tired, espeically when I want to make the project OpenOSEK (https://github.com/parai/OpenOSEK) to be able to run on Windows, bugs here and there, and I still cann't solve it even I have debuged it for a month, but OpenOSEK runs all OK on the board STM32F107VC_EVAL.
	So I start to think, slow down, technology explosion, if I do all of it by myslef, OK, no doubt, I will be out of date as I am not as clever as linus. But it's OK, I am working hard, and now I know most of the OSEK or AutoSAR, I can work on the base of arccore and make arccore more easily to be used without the expensive tools from arccore.	
	So let's go...

	Now, Gui Tool for OS,COM,NvM is ready.
	Simulation runnable on gtk3.0.
	DCM Gui Tool is on the way.
	Most of the Module is OK, but I think the ArcCore is not that good, start to make it better.
	No care of drivers related to hardware, I will use GTK to simulate most of the drivers.
	Start from OS firstly..., all According to AUTOSAR 4.0
	By reading ArcCore OS, I think it is not that perfect, So what to do

		>> 2014-4-16 Add a script intepreter for arvfb, good for me.
		   2014-5-17, something no good happened to me, this script is stopped half done.
		   That is the script has no Event and Alarm attribute which are really I hoped.
		>> 2014-5-17, I learn something more about python, it is so powerful, that is somehow 
		the reason why I left the script half done. Yes, get the point from ply<python-lex-yacc>,
		I think I can use the python reflection attribute to build a more powerful arvfb.
		  SIP will do the support for interaction with C/C++ code.
		>> 2014-6-2, recently, I spent less time on github, I feel guilty as I waste time on playing.
		But really, I became more and more lazy, I feel I couldn't continue this project. 
		I think a lot, I still feel confused about what the true meaning of the things I do.
		I am still wondering about.
		So I add FreeRTOS to this project, as I feel ArcCore OS is stupid, and I have no ability to develop a good one. And really FreeRTOS is so good, it even runs perfect on MinGW and MSVC.So maybe I can build a OSEK OS abstract layer base on FreeRTOS.