Vector tiles producer
This is an experimental project to create vector tiles.
What does this do?
This creates vector tiles based on the mapnik proto for a given area at chosen zoom levels. The produced geometries are clipped at the limits of the tiles.
Install and compile
Install Mapnik. <>
Get mapnik-vector-tile sources. <> Go to Mapnik-vector-tile directory and:
export MAPNIK_VECTOR=path/to/your/mapnik-vector-tile/src
The sources directory should also contain the and vector_tile.pb.h (they are generated when doing "make").
make create
to compile the project.
Use it!
Chose a tile (for the whole world: z=0, x=0, y=0). This is the area for which you want to create subtiles until the maxz zoom level. Give then a path to your Mapnik stylesheet (xml). If you want compressed PBF tiles, add the --compress option, else you will get uncompressed PBF tiles.
./create_tiles z maxz x y [--compress] path/to/stylesheet
To get informations about the created tiles, I have modified a bit the Mapnik-vector-tile's "tileinfo" example to read easily the informations of a vector tile.
make tileinfo
Known problems
For tiles containing big polygons (which are on several tiles), the produced geometry may contain (parts of) the tile bounds.