
Primary LanguageSwift


PainOA is a platform comprising of a mobile iOS application and a web-based portal that tracks and collects data from patient’s daily activity in both active and passive modalities. The intended user is a patient experiencing Osteoarthritis but it can be extended to those with other debilitating conditions.

Building the App


  • Xcode 8
  • iOS 10.x: SDK
  • CocoaPods 1.1

###Getting the source

First, check out the source on GitHub under ‘PainOA’ in the CornellTech-Eli-Lilly collaboration page. Run the following command in the terminal:

git clone https://github.com/CornellTech-Eli-Lilly/PainOA.git

###Building it

In the terminal, cd into PainOA folder and run the command ‘pod install’ to install the dependencies using CocoaPods. Open the project, RKitBase.xcworkspace, build, and run.

Building the Portal

First, check out the source code on GitHub under ‘Site’ in the CornellTech-Eli-Lilly collaboration page. Run the following command in the terminal:

‘’’ git clone https://github.com/CornellTech-Eli-Lilly/Site.git ‘’’

In the terminal, cd into PainOA folder and double-click index.html, this will redirect you to the website for PainOA where you will scroll down the page and click ‘Get Started’. Now you should see the doctor’s portal.