Micro-Machinations is a reengineered subset of Machinations. in Rascal intended for analysis and transformation.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Micro-Machinations is a re-engineered subset of Machinations intended for analysis and transformation.

Getting Started.

  1. Import the project in 2nd level Eclipse.
  2. Plugin.rsc should automatically register the Micro-Machinations language with extension .mm and Micro-Machinations Trace language .mmt to Eclipse.
    • As an alternative to step 2 type the following in the Rascal console: import lang::machinations::Machinations; mm_register();
  3. To run the regression / sanity tests type the following in the Rascal console: import lang::machinations::RegTest; mm_testAllToPromela(); Now run .check_all.sh on the command prompt (requires Spin), then refresh the project and finally mm_testAll();


  1. Create a file with suffix .mm for to create a new intermediate Micro-Machinations model.
  • See /test for regression test examples that demonstrate semantics
  • See /test/examples for example models
  • See /src/lang/machinations/Syntax.rsc for the syntax.
  1. To visualize richt click in the code, click Machinations, click Visualize.
  • This will open the visualization which shows graphical Machinations and supports interactive simulation.