
A django channels chat app using Token Auth

Primary LanguagePython

This is a chat server app built using channels in django.

Token Authentication from Django Rest Framework(DRF) is used for all Rest APIs.

Currently only Token authentication is allowed for all websocket communications.


This is a standard Django project. Please refer to Django documentation for more details.

  • Install requirements in the virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Postgres setup
create database dev_db;
create user chatuser with password 'password';
grant all privileges on database dev_db to chatuser;
  • Run the inital migrations
python manage.py migrate

Run Server

./manage.py runserver


  • Login : POST /accounts/login/

  • Register: POST /accounts/register/

  • Load Room Chat: GET /room/<room_name> (Requires Auth)

  • Realtime updates demo: /room/render/<room_name> (Requires Auth)

  • Allowed room_name: public, room1, room2
