An Empirical Evaluation of Frequency Based Statistical Models for Estimating Killable Mutants


This replication package was updated on May the 07th, 2024

Replication Package Content

This replication package contains the following:

  • results of the manual classification of live mutants (manual-classification/)
  • automatically generated test suites (chaos-test-suites.tar.gz)
  • data about test execution in the form of kill matrices (killmatrix/)
  • scripts to compute the estimators
  • plots and scripts to generate them
  • an extended version of the original paper (paper.pdf)

Automatically Generated Test Suites

The generated test suites (along with the original ones) are stored in the chaos-test-suites.tar.gz file.

We generated the test suites using EvoSuite (1.7.0-SNAPSHOT).

We generated the random test suites using the following parameters:


We generated the dynamosa test suites using the following parameters:

    -Dsearch_budget=60 \
    -generateMOSuite \
    -Duse_separate_classloader=false \
    -Dpopulation=50 \
    -Dranking_type=PREFERENCE_SORTING \
    -Dalgorithm=DYNAMOSA \
    -Dassertion_timeout=120 \
    -Dcoverage=TRUE \
    -Dsandbox=TRUE \
    -Dassertions=TRUE \
    -Dminimization_timeout=300 \

Data about Test Execution in the Form of Kill Matrices

The generated kill matrices are stored in the killmatrix/killmatrix.tar.gz file. They are represented as a compresses sparse row (csr) matrix and stored in npz format. To generate a readable kill matrix csv file, unpack the archive and use python scripts/ -i ./data/killmatrix -o ./data/matrix -s <subject> -t <testsuite> -st <sample_type>. The matrices are generated from the parsed JUGE output (since it is very large, we don't provide it in this bundle, an example is in ./raw/commons-csv.random.03-execution.tar.gz).

Scripts to Compute the Estimators

The scripts are stored in the scripts folder.
To compute estimations run

Rscript scripts/estimation.R -i ./killmatrix -o ./data/summary.csv --cores 8 --total ./data/total.csv --ci

Other parameters can be printed with Rscript scripts/estimation.R -h.
All required R packages will be installed automatically. Note, the reticulate package require Python compiled with shared library support. For instance, it can be installed with pyenv by executing env PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared" pyenv install 3.8.2. --ci parameter controls the computation of confidence intervals for PCG, PNPMLE, and UNPMLE estimators from the SPECIES R package. It is slow and unstable, restart it if it hangs or exits with the timeout. In that case partial results can be found in ./logs folder. After the estimators are computed to add manual estimations use
python scripts/ manual -s ./data/summary.csv --classified ./manual-classification
Next, one can compute mean difference across subjects with
python scripts/ mean -s ./data/summary.csv -o ./data/mean.csv --mean-type classes -t organic

Plots and Scripts to Generate them

The plots are stored in the plots folder.
To regenerate them use python scripts/ plot -c estimators -s ./data/summary.csv -o ./plots/estimators, original is red, evosuite random is blue, evosuite dynamosa is green, and violet is manual classification;
and python scripts/ plot -c subjects -s ./data/summary.csv -o ./plots/subjects, the blue color corresponds to class test set data, and red - method test set data.