
Artifact repository

How to build and run the project

To build the docker image, clone this repository and run

docker build -t fsynth:$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) -f Dockerfile .

from the repository's root directory. Then, the Docker image can be run with

docker run -v /home/xxx/results:/home/repairer -h fsynth -it fsynth:$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)

In this command, /home/xxx/results needs to be replaced by the full absolute path of a directory where results should be stored.

The test files are stored in the /testfiles directory inside the Docker image. The experiments can be run inside the docker image with the command fsynth -R 500 -i /testfiles -s statistics.db. If an error occurs during the run, the run can be resumed using the same command, skipping all files that have already been tested.

Command-Line Arguments


Repair a file using the given algorithm

fsynth -r -i <inputfile> [-o <outputdir>] -a <algorithm>

Mutate all files in directory

For a list of algorithms, see the CLI help text.

fsynth -M -i <inputdir> -o <outputdir> [-t <times>] [-a <algorithm>]

Run a subject program on a given file

fsynth -O <subject> -i <inputfile> [-o <outputfile>]

Build the CSV tables

fsynth -S

This will automatically create the CSV output files in the output directory reports.