
The framework seamlessly integrates with Cucumber, a popular BDD tool, allowing stakeholders to write test scenarios in a human-readable format using Gherkin syntax. This fosters collaboration and ensures alignment between business requirements and test automation.

Primary LanguageHTML

Cucumber BDD Project with Selenium (Java)


This Maven project is a robust automation framework that combines Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) principles with Selenium WebDriver in Java to automate testing on the Amazon website. It follows a Page Object Model (POM) architecture and incorporates various features as per the provided assignment specifications.


  1. Maven Project:

    • This project is structured as a Maven project, enabling easy dependency management and build automation.
  2. Page Object Model (POM):

    • The framework implements the Page Object Model to maintain separation between test code and page-specific code, enhancing maintainability and reusability.
  3. Pages:

    • Three pages have been created representing different sections or functionalities of the Amazon website, such as the homepage, search results page, and product details page.
  4. Feature Files:

    • Two feature files have been created, each containing a minimum of two scenarios, to demonstrate the testing of various functionalities of the Amazon website.
  5. Parameterization:

    • Parameterization has been implemented to provide flexibility in testing by allowing the same scenario to be executed with different inputs or test data.
  6. Regular Expressions:

    • Regular expressions have been used to reuse the same step definition for multiple scenarios, reducing duplication of code and improving maintainability.
  7. Coding Guidelines:

    • The framework adheres to proper coding guidelines as per the shared guidelines, ensuring consistency, readability, and maintainability of the codebase.
  8. Hooks and Tags:

    • Hooks and tags have been utilized to manage test setup and teardown activities and to organize and selectively execute tests based on tags.
  9. Cucumber Reports:

    • Cucumber reports are generated using plugins to provide comprehensive test execution reports, including pass/fail status, test duration, and scenario details. These reports enhance visibility and facilitate analysis of test results.

How to Run Tests:

  1. Clone the project repository.
  2. Open the project in your preferred Java IDE.
  3. Ensure that the necessary dependencies are resolved by Maven.
  4. Run the TestRunner.java class as a JUnit test to execute the feature files.
  5. View the test results in the console or in the designated test report file.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create a pull request or raise an issue in the project repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • This project was created as part of an assignment for BDD Cucumber testing with Selenium.