

Primary LanguagePython

RPA Challenge (Task Definition)

Get List Of Agencies

Steps to Accomplish Task

  • open browser
  • find dive In button
  • click dive in
  • find elements
  • get list of agencies
  • get list of spent amount
  • save data to a spreadsheet

Key Resources For This Task

Code Implementation (Big Picture)

def download_agency_list():
    agency_list = scrape_agency_list(challenge_website_url)

Get List Of Individual Investments with Business CASE PDF (If Present)

Steps to Accomplish Task

  • Select One Agency
  • Go to Agency Page
  • Find Individual Investment Table
  • Scrape Table and write to new excel file
  • If UII column contains link
  • open link
  • download pdf with "Download Business CASE PDF"
  • Store & download files to output folder

Key resources for this task

  • Agency Website URL (From Agency Link Column In agency_file_path)
  • Example Agency Link/Website: https://itdashboard.gov/drupal/summary/005

  • individual_investment_file_path: output/IndividualInvestment.csv
  • business_case_file_path: output/pdfs
def download_individual_investments():
    investment_list = scrape_investment_list(agency_website_url)

See the full code for implementation details!