
An E-commerce App built with React, having functionality like product listing, cart, wishlist and filtering.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gimesto Store logo

Gimesto Store

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An E-commerce App built with React, having functionality like product listing, cart, wishlist and filtering.

Live Preview: gimesto-ecom.vercel.app


  1. Authentication: Login and SignUp functionality
  2. Auth state persistance using cookies
  3. Private and public routes: Private routes accessible only on login
  4. Search Params: Used for sort and filter, persistent
  5. User actions like add/remove from cart, toggle wishlist
  6. Increment/decrement quantity in Cart page
  7. Total price with quantity shown in the place order section
  8. React: useContext, useReducer, useEffect, useState, custom hooks, functional components
  9. Mock backend using Mirage JS and Mockman API.

Features in progress/TODOs

  1. Product search functionality
  2. Address management for orders
  3. User profile page
  4. Orders section
  5. Payment integration

Libraries used:

  • React.js : v17.0.2
  • React router: v6.2.2
  • Axios : v0.21.4
  • Mirage js : v0.1.41
  • Prop-Types : v15.8.1
  • JWT : v8.5.1
  • Gimesto Component library (developed by me)

Get started

  1. Clone the repo:
  $ git clone https://github.com/vrx29/gimesto-store-ecom.git
  1. Switch to dev branch:
  $ cd gimesto-store-ecom
  $ git checkout dev
  1. Install required node modules:
  $ npm install
  1. Create a .env file at the root folder create a SECRET KEY
  1. Start the dev server:
  $ npm start
  $ yarn start

Open the localhost:3000 link in the browser.

🚀 Tools and Stack Used

Home page screenshot

Gimesto Store

Product listing page screenshot

Gimesto Store2

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