
API REST to manage check ins based in Typescript, using SOLID principles

Primary LanguageTypeScript


GymPass app

Functional Requirements

  • [✅] Should be able register a new user;
  • [✅] Should be able authenticate;
  • [✅] Should be able get a user profile when logged;
  • [✅] Should be able get how many check-ins were made by the user;
  • [✅] Should be able user get a history of their check-ins;
  • [✅] Should be able user search gyms nearby;
  • [✅] Should be able user search gyms by name;
  • [✅] Should be able user make a check-in in a gym;
  • [✅] Should be able validate a check-in of a user;
  • [✅] Should be able register a new gym;

Business Rules

  • [✅] A user should not be able to register with duplicate email;
  • [✅] A user should not be able 2 check-ins in same day;
  • [✅] A user should not be able check-in if not near (100m) the gym;
  • [✅] Check-in must only be validated within 20 minutes of creation;
  • [✅] Check-in must only be validated only by administrators;
  • [✅] A gyms must only register by administrators;

NonFunctional Requeriments

  • [✅] Users passwords must be encrypted;
  • [✅] Application data must be persisted in a PostgreSQL database;
  • [✅] All data lists must be paginated with 20 items per page;
  • [✅] A user must be identified by a JWT(Json Web Token);