
Flutter Animated Counter

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Animated Counter

An implicit animation widget that flips from one number to another.


It can be useful to display information that's constantly changing.

Animated Counter

Simply pass in a value and an optional duration and curve, just like any other implicit animation widget in Flutter.

duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
value: _value, // pass in a value like 2014

Decimal Display

Use fractionDigits to specify how many digits to show after the decimal point. It handles negative values as well.

value: _value,
fractionDigits: 2, // decimal precision
suffix: "%",
textStyle: TextStyle(
   fontSize: 40,
   color: _value >= 0 ? Colors.green : Colors.red,

Custom Style

Use the familiar TextStyle parameter for styling, and use prefix and suffix for additional texts.

value: _value,
prefix: "Level ",
textStyle: TextStyle(
 fontSize: 80,
 fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
 letterSpacing: -8.0,
 color: Colors.yellow,
 shadows: [
     color: Colors.orange,
     offset: Offset(8, 8),
     blurRadius: 8,