
Flutter Bottom Picker

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Bottom Picker

Easy way to display bottom picker item or date/time picker


  1. Simple list picker wheel

  2. Date range picker (RTL and LTR)

  3. Date picker

  4. Time picker

  5. Date and Time picker

  6. 24h / 12h time format

  7. Built-in themes

  8. Customize confirm button

  9. Customize first selected item

  10. Enhanced tablet view

  11. Customize background color

  12. Customize date format order

  13. Customize picker text style (color, font size, font weight...)

  14. Customize close button style and display

  15. Customize layout orientation (LTR / RTL )

  16. Customize button alignment

  17. Customizable bottom picker height

  18. Customizable button display and visibility

  19. Customizable minuteInterval attribute

Getting Started

To add bottom picker to your project add this line to your pubspec.yaml file

 bottom_picker: ^2.0.2


///The title of the bottom picker
///it's required for all bottom picker types
final  String  title;

///The description of the bottom picker (displayed below the text)
///by default it's an empty text
final  String  description;

///The text style applied on the title
///by default it applies simple text style
final  TextStyle  titleStyle;

///The text style applied on the description
///by default it applies simple text style
final  TextStyle  descriptionStyle;

///defines whether the bottom picker is dismissable or not
///by default it's set to false
final  bool  dismissable;

///list of items (List of text) used to create simple item picker (required)
///and should not be empty or null
///for date/dateTime/time items parameter is not available
late  List<Text>?  items;

///Nullable function, invoked when navigating between picker items
///whether it's date picker or simple item picker it will return a value DateTime or int(index)
late  Function(dynamic)?  onChange;

///Nullable function invoked when clicking on submit button
///if the picker type is date/time/dateTime it will return DateTime value
///else it will return the index of the selected item
late  Function(dynamic)?  onSubmit;

///Invoked when clicking on the close button
final  Function?  onClose;

///set the theme of the bottom picker (the button theme)
///possible values
final  BottomPickerTheme  bottomPickerTheme;

///to set a custom button theme color use this list
///when it's not null it will be applied
final  List<Color>?  gradientColors;

///define the icon color on the button
///by default it's White
final  Color  iconColor;

///used for simple bottom picker
///by default it's 0, needs to be in the range [0, this.items.length-1]
///otherwise an exception will be thrown
///for date and time picker type this parameter is not available
late  int  selectedItemIndex;

///The initial date time applied on the date and time picker
///by default it's null
DateTime?  initialDateTime;

///The gap between two minutes
///by default it's 1 minute
int?  minuteInterval;

///the max date time on the date picker
///by default it's null
DateTime?  maxDateTime;

///the minimum date & time applied on the date picker
///by default it's null
DateTime?  minDateTime;

///define whether the time uses 24h or 12h format
///by default it's false (12h format)
late  bool  use24hFormat;

///the text that will be applied to the button
///if the text is null the button will be rendered with an icon
final  String?  buttonText;

///the button text style, will be applied on the button's text
final  TextStyle?  buttonTextStyle;

///display button icon
///by default it's true
///if you want to display a text you can set [displayButtonIcon] to false
final  bool  displayButtonIcon;

///a single color will be applied to the button instead of the gradient
final  Color?  buttonSingleColor;

///the bottom picker background color,
///by default it's white
final  Color  backgroundColor;

///date order applied on date picker or date time picker
///by default it's YYYY/MM/DD
late  DatePickerDateOrder?  dateOrder;

///the picker text style applied on all types of bottom picker
///by default `TextStyle(fontSize: 14)`
final  TextStyle  pickerTextStyle;

///define the picker item extent available only for list items picker
///by default it's 35
late  double  itemExtent;

///indicate whether the close icon will be rendred or not
/// by default `displayCloseIcon = true`
final  bool  displayCloseIcon;

///the close icon color
///by default `closeIconColor = Colors.black`
final  Color  closeIconColor;

///the layout orientation of the bottom picker
///by default the orientation is set to LTR
final  LayoutOrientation  layoutOrientation;

///THe alignement of the bottom picker button
///by default it's `MainAxisAlignment.center`
final  MainAxisAlignment  buttonAlignement;

///bottom picker main widget height
///if it's null the bottom picker will get the height from
///[bottomPickerHeight] extension on context
final  double?  height;

///indicates if the submit button will be displayed or not
///by default the submit button is shown
late  bool  displaySubmitButton;

///invoked when pressing on the submit button when using range picker
///it return two dates (first date, end date)
///required when using [BottomPicker.range]
late  Function(DateTime, DateTime)?  onSubmitPressed;

///the minimum first date in the date range picker
///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
DateTime?  minFirstDate;

///the minimum second date in the date range picker
///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
DateTime?  minSecondDate;

///the maximum first date in the date range picker
///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
DateTime?  maxFirstDate;

///the maximum second date in the date range picker
///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
DateTime?  maxSecondDate;

///the initial first date in the date range picker
///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
DateTime?  initialFirstDate;

///the initial last date in the date range picker
///not required if null no minimum will be set in the date picker
DateTime?  initialSecondDate;