
Flutter Ditredi

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Ditredi

A flutter package that displays large 3D datasets on a transparent canvas.


DiTreDi was created to efficiently display datasets and meshes in 3D space. It wasn't intended to create a 3D game engine and is rather useful for displaying static meshes.

Getting started

Add imports for ditredi and vector_math_64:

import 'package:ditredi/ditredi.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';

Add DiTreDi widget to your tree:

 figures: [
     Cube3D(2, Vector3(0, 0, 0)),


DiTreDiController controls a scene rotation, scale, light.

To set up a controller, keep its reference in a state and pass to the controller parameter.

// in a state
void initState() {
 controller = DiTreDiController();

 figures: [
     Cube3D(2, Vector3(0, 0, 0)),
 controller: controller,

Once ready, update controller state by calling:

controller.update(rotationY: 30, rotationX: 30);

To handle input gestures use GestureDetector or DiTreDiDraggable:

 controller: controller,
 child: DiTreDi(
     figures: [Cube3D(1, vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0))],
     controller: controller,